Sensory perceptions
We can use our senses to help us understand the true nature of the reality around us, but senses alone are inadequate to determine the full truth of the world we interact with. Senses can be deceived and/or face failings in our biology. These failings might be gradual, intermittent, and we may not be able to self-diagnose if what we experience in a given moment is accurate. Knowing with certainty is a validation based on our judgment, thinking, or understanding. Our brain/mind is the ultimate repository of our sensory-based experiences and much of what we have learned and perceived as being true has started with our senses.
Human fragility perhaps starts with our basic senses and our ability to correctly understand the reality of the world around us. By pursuing solutions which help us better understand decisions that need to be made through our interactions with the world around us through validation and enhancement of our senses we can expand our interactions with a more robust experience of incoming data.
My premise is: all human enhancements will eventually need to address our biological, cognitive, and environmental limitations. Through the addition and application of technologies such as wearable devices, we can create a future that both frees us from sensory discrepancies and also enhances how we sense and interact with reality.
Optical illusion. (2016). Wikipedia from
Achromatopsia. (2016). Wikipedia from
Astigmatism (eye). (2016). Wikipedia from
Hearing loss. (2016). Wikipedia from